Well, having a newborn does consume 99.9% of a mommy's time. I'm finally making time now (while nursing, eating my breakfast, & downing coffee)...to write about the miracle that happened 3 weeks ago...1-30-12!! Brynlee's birth story!!
Monday morning I woke up feeling great, but thought I could be leaking fluid. I called my Dr & of course they said to come right in...I got ready, was taking my time talking on the phone to my dear friend, Karen Bailey, and told her it's probably nothing, but I'll call you back after my appt. Dr. Umholtz (my OB), did a test to check if I was leaking any amniotic fluid, and sure enough-I was!!!!! So, I'm thinking no big deal-WRONG! Dr. said you are having your baby today! I was excited, shocked, scared all at the same time. I was only 35 weeks, 5 days along, so still a little early. It was kind of funny how calm I became. I walked over to labor and delivery, texted and called family/friends, and go into my gown. It felt like 5 minutes and my Mom and Gabby were there ready to cheer me on! Kyle was driving back to McKinney from work in dallas to get my bags and hurry back to the hospital. I had no idea if she would come quickly or not. The nurses started pitocin and things started progressing. I was only 1 1/2 cm dilated and it was noon. After more family arriving, new amazing nurses changing shifts, it was about 5-5:30 p.m. I was dilated to about a 5 by now and ready. Poppy, Gabby, Grancy, Kyle, shaun were making me laugh and I was having fun...along with some pain medicine kicking in! I got my epidural soon after and my OB came in and said "I'm going to grab dinner and be back to deliver your baby." She also said "as soon as I leave you'll be ready to push." Sure enough, she left, I went from a 6 to a 10 in 30 minutes! Brynlee was about to be born, but we had to wait for my OB to fight traffic to get back-lol! Finally at 7:12 p.m. I pushed 2 times and Brynlee Elizabeth Houser was born! She was/is perfect-healthy, no problems, she let out a healthy cry, had great color, and was a tiny 5 pounds, 3 oz...19 1/4 long! She was a long, skinny minnie!
We had a wonderful stay at the hospital-we snagged a suite...seriously could rival the Four seasons...had a kitchen, sitting area for family, my bedroom was huge, and Kyle had his own tempurpedic bed! This was the way to bring a baby into the world!
I kept Brynlee with us most of the first night, and by the second night sent her to the nursery..Mama had to get some sleep!
We had the best care-all the nurses came to visit after their shifts, and Kyle and
I even made a sweet friend, Jody, who we are keeping up with on Facebook. We went home Wednesday morning and came home to a super-clean house, fresh flowers, the pack-n-play put together...all from our amazing Nanny, Misit! She is a blessing!
Since it's been 3 weeks, I can honestly say having Brynlee completes our family in every way-although I am tired from lack of sleep, I am the happiest I have ever been post-baby! She is a joy-even at 2 a.m. and is hilarious-she is a grunter-and not just when she's going potty! She grunts all.the.time!! It makes me smile all day long! She is a great eater-nursing great, and is over 7 pounds now! She got down to 4 pounds, 14 oz after birth, so she's done a great job getting weight up! I also have bounced back nicely-back in pre-baby jeans..about 8 pounds to go! YAY! I can't wait to go shopping with Brynlee!!
I'll post lots of pics later, but wanted to write about God's miracle of life in Brynlee! The boys are also amazing big brothers-helpers-especially Bryce! He also has been asking women-Misti, Kim..."are you still breastfeeding?" Hilarious!!!
9 years ago