Monday, January 9, 2012

Not too bad

Well, we made it to 33 weeks...praying for 3-4 more! I go to Dr. tomorrow for a sonogram and checkup so we will see how things are looking then!

Since I've been resting, I've been spoiled-my sweet Hubby, family, friends have made sure every meal is taken care of, and the boys are too. My sweet neighbor, Allison brought me some goodies the other day, including a great book I started reading by Mary Beth Chapman-"Choosing to SEE". I can't wait to read it. Allison brought me my new favorite treat: Coke Zero-cherry flavor-yum :)

Bryce also is my little helper. He fills my water up when it's empty, and the other day he brought me this plate with a snack for me and Brynlee-he is just precious!

I also needed my hair done-BADLY! My awesome hair-dresser, Monty, actually came to my house and did my hair. This isn't a great pic, but she did a great job and was so sweet to come to me!

Every morning the boys come into bed with me and cuddle-it is the best way to start the day. This picture is after our cuddling they were sharing Bryce's Itouch playing so nice together.

Last night Kyle found Jackson sleeping like this on his floor! He is too funny. Our Nanny also informed me this morning that Jackson likes to pick out his own shirts now-he is a mess-2 years old and knows what he likes! He prefers regular shirts vs button-downs! LOL!

Here is a 33 week picture! Getting closer....

I can't wait to see this special lady Friday! Jan, my BFF, is flying in for my baby shower on Saturday. here is her precious family!

So, bed rest isn't too bad, and I realize how blessed I am!
Have a great week!


Frugal Jen said...

So glad she's still hanging out and growing! Your almost there.

I got so stir crazy on bedrest I got the Dr go OK an outing to the mall if I was in a wheelchair. It was fun and the kids loved to push me around.


Anonymous said...

sweet little bum, love to pull his shorts down and see how tight it is mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm little boys